Fiber Reinforced Aluminum (FRA) manufactured by CPS Technologies is a novel metal matrix composite material that offers improved performance over traditional metals in high temperature and high friction environments.
+200% wear resistance compared to Steel or Cast Iron
Why Choose Fiber
Reinforced Aluminum?
Increased performance at high temperatures while maintaining a low density makes FRA® an ideal solution for lightweight applications in different environments
Improved Strength and Stiffness
Fiber Reinforced Aluminum offers increased strength at various temperatures over traditional materials.
Decreased Wear
FRA’s unique properties allow reduced wear over iron and steel alloys.
Lightweight & High Performance
FRA has proven performance that is ideally suited for applications where lightweight, high performance alloys are typically utilized.
Review Our Spec Sheets
Want more information on how fiber reinforced aluminum can improve your project? Check our spec sheets for details.
Contact Our Team
Our CPS engineers are eager to create the FRA solutions your project needs. Contact us to learn more.